Working in Remote or Busy Locations?

Many places of work are on the edge of mobile network reach.
Our apps allow native capabilities to store, manage and update data locally, enabling IT developers to implement the right strategy in the app accommodating out-of-range (Wi-Fi or 3G) scenarios.
Applications keep workers up and running, regardless of the state of the wireless network.
Using this framework, apps can transparently flip between off-line batch and on-line real-time modes based on signal strength — users don’t even know they’ve lost connection.
For all industries, Skypaq enables ‘Data at the Edge of the Network’ by using a comprehensive data management and synchronization technology targeting embedded, remote/satellite, mobile, and Internet of Things (IoT) environments.
Edge computing is computing that’s done at or near the source of the data
Bridging the Remote Site Data Gap
Skypaq provides enterprises with vital software and services for collecting, delivering and managing critical maintenance and operational information based on the principles of Industry 4.0
‘Skypaq Data Hub’ provides both data hosting services with guaranteed ‘up-time’ and front-end technical support

Use Skypaq for Digital Transformation - Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
Connect your meters and allow you to utilize the wealth of data from the Internet of Things (IoT) with in-depth analysis.